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» Listings for August 2019

  1. P1000452

    What I love about teaching yoga chakra sequences is that they offer a great opportunity to add focused flavour to the experience. I always like t start with students reclining in savasana and take them through a guided chakra awareness. This involves them becoing aware of the geographical locations of the 7 main chakras in turn starting with the base or root chakra at the base of the trunk known as mooladhara. They are imply looking for any sensations in those areas. 

    It just so hapens that the locations of the chakras happen to be in the same places are there are concentrations of energy and nerve tissue so there is a good chance something will be felt. But it's not guaranteed and some may reveal little or nothing. For a long time I never could feel much in the thrid chakra manipura but yoga helped me to open this chakra over time.

    The second chakra is just inches above the root and in front of the sacrum, then the manipura at the solar plexus behind the navel and on the inside of the spine, thn the heart chakra behind the breast bone, the throat chakra behind the hollow in the throat, thrird eye chakra behind the space just above the eyebrow centre and the crown on the top of the head.

    The asana sequence that follows gradually works through the chakras adopting those postures that help to stimulate and open those areas in turn. Some are chakra specific but the salutaions to the sun can be included as a general overall routine that helps everything.

    I love to use music that relates to the chakras and there is some lovely soothing stuff around and it can be changed discreetly during the sequence to introduce vibrations and even chants that are more appropriate.

    This all adds to the value which is vital to student experience which I value also.

    I have often thought that a yoga teachers spec is to bring as good an experinec as possible to their students and chakra flows give us that great opportunity.

    Barry Todd

  2. planets

    There are lots of stories, theories and rock solid beliefs about Past Lives and whether we've lived them or not.  The truth is we simply don't know.  To quote Johnny Nash - "There are more questions than answers and the more we find out the less we know."

    Is it our need to find meaning in our existence?  As with everything where their is a belief without 'proof' then the belief is passionate.  

    When investigated many of the past life stories were found to have  alternative explanations.

    But then most people will remember the case of the twins who had memories of their older siblings that had died in a car crash before they were born.  It seemed like indesputable evidence that they had replaced their siblings and were almost living their lives.

    That seemed to provide the final proof of past lives and it still may do.

    And in those times when children are at their most 'open' and unbiased and receptive.  But this openness often fades and these memories disappear.  Who knows what forgotten thoughts and visions have infiltrated the young mind only to become lost in the sands of time.. 

    However, science, that attempts to look for scientific evidence  without bias and preconceivment, has now proved that some memories of the parent are genetically transferred to the child.

    This finding ties in with Carl Jung and his theory of 'Collective Unconscious'.

    The collective unconscious is a concept refering to the idea that a segment of the deepest unconscious mind is genetically inherited and is not shaped by personal experience.

     According to Jung's teachings, the collective unconscious is common to all human beings and is responsible for a number of deep-seated beliefs and instincts, such as spirituality, sexual behavior, and life and death instincts..
    So in the words of Johnny Cash (again) there are more questions than answers and the more we find out the less we know.
    One thing is for sure there are mysteries in all of our pasts.
    Here is a link to some Stories of Passt Life hypnotic memories and how they panned out.
    Have you got a story in your past.?