Lounge Music - the future?
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Are Parlour music evening the thing of the future? They certainly are in Australia as people are getting fed up with paying wage packet prices to see their fav. bands - Initimate events are now the main attraction.
The benefits of an intimate lounge/parlour type event is that you are close up and friendly getting the full impact of the performance. Watching from a tiered arena is one step better than a BIG tv screen. Admittedly you won't get Cold Play or U2 performing in a lounge but they all started somewhere. When you've been priviledged to see a band in it's formative years it's always thrilling to reflect back during their success.
After all what is live music all about? It's not about watching someone famous, it's about listening to some serious talent and letting the vibrations get into your soul. Being close enough to feel almost at one with them as they perform and listen to their often very personal stories behind some of the music they have chosen to share with you for the evening.
Andrea Lowe, Zen Lounge
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