hypnotherapy training
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New course starting September!
In order to be a good clinical hypnotherapist (or therapist) you have to have a deep understanding of yourself so that you can begin to understand others.
It is very different from many other professions where you have to have a skill in delivery of procedures and methods.
In hypnotherapy the skills are secondary. Primary is knowing how to find the problem that needs addressing. That takes a lot of awareness and an ability to be humble enough to know that you can only go as far as your personal filters let you.
A good training course would introduce you to yourself in a new light that for some could be a high obstacle to climb.
But the only way to be really effective is to keep climbing your own walls of enlightenment.
See my new training course starting in September http://www.mindandbodybury.co.uk/hypnotherapytraining.html
— at Mind & Body Clinical Hypnotherapy Training, Bolton Street, BuryIn order to be a good clinical hypnotherapist (or therapist) you have to have a deep understanding of yourself so that you can begin to understand others.
It is very different from many other professions where you have to have a skill in delivery of procedures and methods.
In hypnotherapy the skills are secondary. Primary is knowing how to find the problem that needs addressing. That takes a lot of awareness and an ability to be humble enough to know that you can only go as far as your personal filters let you.
A good training course would introduce you to yourself in a new light that for some could be a high obstacle to climb.
But the only way to be really effective is to keep climbing your own walls of enlightenment.
See my new training course starting in September http://www.mindandbodybury.co.uk/hypnotherapytraining.html

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