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  1. What have pancakes got to do with Marde Grass?

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    Actually quite a lot.  Without Marde Grass there would be no Pancake Tuesday.  The literal translation of Marde Grass is Tuesday fat and it was originally a day to fatten up with stodgy food stored  to prepare for the fasting of lent.

    As stodgy food slows you down it was  a time to develop patience and to prepare  for thoughtful reflection  the fasting period.

    Nowadays Marde Grass is a very different colourful celebration and pancake Tuesday is a lot healthier with lots of options for tasty treats rather than stodgy fill ups.

    So if you plan to come to our pancake celebration on Tuesday come as colourfully as you like and bring all your patience and thoughtful reflection as you wait for your tasty freshly made pancakes to be prepared for you.

    There are free activities for children too including a sample of Mindfulness for children which certainly fits in with the theme of the day.

    9th Feb just come for 11am - 7pm 


  2. Why choose a therapy centre?

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    Why choose a therapy centre?


    When there are so many therapists around, why is it advantageous to choose a therapist working within a centre.

    One of the many advantages is that as there are a range of disciplines practising there it is more likely that your therapist will be able to discuss and ask advice off colleagues if an additional or alternative therapy is indicated.  Within a centre you have a smooth progression  to the new therapist and especially if an additinal one is indicated then they can work together quite easily.

    Therapist working within a centre are likely to have a broader view of therapies rather than just a focus on their own and in fact will often have tried a selection of the other therapies on offer, often doing a 'swap' with colleagues.

    We have a great example of this going on right now within the centre as Jenny, our beauty therapist is starting to attend pregnancy yoga classes with Suzanne and will be having a course of hypnotherapy for childbirth with Andrea soon to prepare for the birth.  Andrea goes to Jenny (when she can get an appointment - booked up) for a beauty therapy (can't you tell!) and no doubt Suzanne will be taking advantage of the facilities soon.

    Other good reasons are that you can be more assured that your therapist has good qualifications and insurance if they are working from a centre as the centre will require it.
    They will have guidelines to adhere to for their governing organisation, and also will be required to adhere to some additional professional guidelines by the centre.

    You can also be fairly sure that your therapist is committed and is taking their work seriously not just fitting the odd client in here and there so will have gained experience.

    It's okay to  relax and rest assured that there are unlikely to be interruptions.  A therapist working from home or worse from your home will not in some cases be in as much control of the environment  making that relaxing experience a bit harder to achieve.

    Just a thought - something to consider when you are choosing a therapist.


  3. Latest Competition

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    comp photos 001

    Where is this picture.  It's a bit easier than the last one.  So the more accurate you re the better your chance of winning.  Name the street being driven along and you're more than likely a hum ding winner.  But remember you could be completely wrong and if no one else answer you win.  So well worth a go.

    Closing date is 30th October and the prize this time is a £7 voucher towards a therapy of your choice or a meal in Zen or a free Yoga class.

    Make your guess below and we will comment to give further clues.

  4. Hi Ho Hi ho it's off to retreat we go

    Posted on

    Or how to stretch a weekend into a week.

    We're off the the wild hills of Burnley today for our latest retreat.  Each time we get a new venue it's always a bit serious for us until we get there and make sure everything is okay.  We always like to bring the unique featrues of the venue to the retreat so tailor the weekend to do that. 

    This weekend is very different for us.  We are including into the weekend as much of the outdoors as we can and I think we are going to be lucky enough to have at least one sunny day.  So the field that is part of the centre and the small woods that they also own will be incorporated into our weekend as much as we possibly can.

    There is also a projector room with a big drop down screen which we are going to be using to show film/s in the evening (with popcorn hehe)

    The biggest difference/challenge for me is the catering which Zen are doing i.e. me with a lot of help from Barry and due to frequent requests that I couldn't keep ignoring I decided to take the opportunity to also offer some mini workshops/demonstrations on vegetarian cookery for small groups as the opportunity for a formal kitchen seemed too good to miss.  Soooo... the pressures on and i don't mean cooking (or maybe I do).

    I often feel as though I don't know my left from my right but always seem to get there in the end so i am sure all will go swimmingly well and I nominate Lesley to take over if I loose my ability to speak.

    Barry, who can be found looking at the moon quite often, has noted that this Sunday is a new moon which has special meaning 24 hours each side so on Saturday he will be incorporating some new moon posturing and  meditation and we will be holding a workshop on mandalas for the new moon too.

    A very different weekend will be had by all

    It takes a lot of preparation but the weekend is usually great fun and a fantastic weekend away that feels more like a week, so stretching in more ways than one.

    I will tell you more when it is all over.

  5. Migraines - more than a headache!

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    As well as pain for up to 72 hours, some people have nausea and increased sensitiviey to light, smell, sound.

    Migraines - so much more than just a headache.  intnese throbbing pain often on one side, sufferers are often unable to continue with their everyday lives.



    Some people experience symptoms before an attack called an aura:

    • Flashing Lights zigzag patterns or blind spots in your vision
    • Stiffness, a tingling sensation or pins and needles in your neck or shoulders
    • Feeling disorientated or off balance
    • Difficulty speaking
    • Poor concentration

    As well as pain for up to 72 hours, some people have nausea and an increased sensitiviy to light smells or sound during a migraine.

    What causes a migraine?

    There are some foods that are said to trigger a migraine. High blood pressure, smoking and even sleeping tablets get the blame as well as weeather conditions for some people.

    But what if it isn't any of these commonly blamed elements?

    Mechanical Causes

    Recent research subbest that neck issues are the major cause of migraine

    So migraines should be primarily treated as a “mechanical” problem. As Professor Andrew Charles of Migraine and Headache Science at the University of California Los Angeles explains in this podcast (with transcript), “we had all thought that migraine came in through the trigeminal nerve or was mediated by input from the face. But now there’s really growing recognition that the occipital nerve, the upper cervical nerve routes may actually be playing an equally important role and many, many migraine patients get neck pain either before, during or after their attack they have soreness and stiffness in their neck.” (he goes on to talk about the medication he’s developing as well as physical therapy).

    Migraines are caused by nerve irritation.  All nerves run through the neck so any muscle constriction or tension in the neck will place strain on these nerves which,when combined with other triggers caus a migraine.

    Resolve the neck problem, reduce the irritation and therefore reduce the likelyhood of migraine.

    Up to date analysis methods like MRI scans have shown that the previous view of migraines as a vascular issue (based on description of a thumping pain) is incorrect.

    AS this is likely to be a build up of muscular constriction developed over many years it is important to take any remedy very carefully and gently as the massage if too strenuous can bring on a migraine.  You must contact a qualified therapist who can also switch any6 triggered migraine off before sending you home.

    So eating chocolate is okay then?

    We are talking layers here.  The first layer is the nerve problem, then you add other layers including stress (when the neck would naturally stiffen), poor posture, chocolate or cheese or wine etc. which produce the breaking point but are not the cause.  So yes you can eat cholcolate.



  6. Thursday Chill Out

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    relaxAs a yoga teacher at the Mind and Body Studio in Bury I teach every day and hardly ever get the chance to attend another class just for me so to speak.

    You might well ask, "Why should a yoga teacher need to attend a class? Surely, if they are a yoga teacher they must be so laid back that they are nearly falling over and don't they meditate more than anyone else anyway!" Well, there may be truth in some of this but teaching yoga is not like doing your own practice where you have the opportunity to absolutely focus on absorbing yourself into every pose and allowing the body to melt down into the serenity of complete stillness!! Meditation can also be hard work or a least feel effortful.

    What's good about being on the receiving end of a class teacher is that they navigate you through a journey and you simply have to let that happen and enjoy the ride.

    This is what happened to me last week but it wasn't a yoga class this time although this can happen in a yoga class.

    I attended one of Andrea's one hour Chill Out sessions on Thursday evening at 6.30pm and she did just what I said above. Her voice navigated me into melting down into serenity of complete stillness, complete calmness. It was just what I neeeded at the end of a full and fractous week. Even though I have practiced yoga for over thirty years I am still human and some weeks when I have perhaps neglected my personal practice I do feel like my nerves have been stretched out like a piano wire!

    Andrea's session dissolved all that and I had a great feeling that lasted over the weekend.The amazing thing is that I didn't really remember much of what she was talking about in the session although I am sure it would have been meaningful. For all I know though she could have been talking gobbledygook for most of the time. All I know is that I felt amazing after that hour.

    The Chill Out session is a great way to wind down your week, why not give it a try and if you book on to the 7.30 Yoga class that follows you get the Chill Out session free!

    Never Give Up and Always Let Go!

    Barry (HathaYogaMan)