Feeling trapped by your life?
I can help with those trapped feelings
Book your Free introductory, no-obligation appointment
[email protected]
or telephone 0161 764 1440
I can help with those trapped feelings
Book your Free introductory, no-obligation appointment
[email protected]
or telephone 0161 764 1440
About anxiety

Anxiety is a fear that people could do without, yet 90% of the populations suffer from some degree of anxiety. Most people think they cannot do anything about it. However, releasing yourself from anxiety can literally set you free to soar and achieve all those things you have been dreaming of.
What does anxiety really feel like?
The many guises of anxiety

Even if you know exactly why you developed a phobia, it is still an outlet for your anxiety. For example if you were one of a number of people stuck in a lift, you might develop a fear of lifts or enclosed spaces. Yet not everybody in that lift will have developed that phobia.
You latch on to symptoms because you are subconsiously trying to find a reason for your fear. You don't always develop symptoms as obvious as that.
Some of the following may sound familiar:
- We make sure we are liked
- or we are pleasing people
- or are noticed
- or don't need anyone
- or are needed by someone
- or feel trapped
- or feel irritated by the slightest thing
- or feel life expects too much
- or feel you're at the bottom of the pile
- the list goes on.
I do understand what you are going through,
book your free introductory appointment now and only commence therapy when you feel that I do understand what you are going through.
[email protected]
or telephone 0161 764 1440
book your free introductory appointment now and only commence therapy when you feel that I do understand what you are going through.
[email protected]
or telephone 0161 764 1440
Fear and Anxiety
What is the difference between real fear and anxiety

It is sad that many people who are suffering from anxiety think it is 'how they are' and their cross to bear. In fact most people can be helped and their anxiety overcome. They just have to be brave enough to take the plunge and break free.
I mentioned earlier that anxiety suffers are like prisoners in cages of their own making. You can go so far and then your entrapment stops further progress. Well you've heard of recidifist prisoners becoming institutionalised. Suffers withanxiety are trapped by their own behaviour patterns and limiting beliefs. They need help at the very deepest emotional level within. to eradicate years of imprisonment and living behind bars of their own self-protection.
Feeling Anxious?
Anxiety - Do we need it?

As with most things anxiety is useful in small doses- get too much of it and it has a negative effect.
Let me explain. Imagine if you did not have enough anxiety to keep your job, you would have no commitment, would ignore deadlines and eventually lose your job. If you were not anxious to fit in and please then you would be very unpopular, probably have few friends, ending in isolation and unhappiness.
We are brought up to have a certain amount of 'healthy' anxiety 'Look both ways before you cross', don't take sweet off strangers etc. Sometimes with a peppering of negative anxiety 'People won't like you if you do that'. etc.
Anxiety is great until it becomes a problem then like the overbearing parent too much anxiety becomes the Prison Warden.
Help with Anxiety
My approach to helping suffers of anxiety

When we are very young we re very receptive to learning about things that we need to know. that includes how to walk, feed ourselves, protect oursleves, to get what we want and avoid what we don't, to twist people around our little finger and to avoid that angry look.
One of the biggest things we need to do is to make sure we are safe and we do this by forming a fundamental behaviour pattern that wil last well into adulthood.
You can contact me in the following ways

Email: [email protected]
I will be happy to discuss your condition and your therapy at an initial consultation and only when you are happy that I can help you will we start the therapy and up to that point there is no charge.
Whenyou do decide that the therapy is for you then the cost is £65 per hour or £350 for the course of therapy. The average number of sessions is around 5 or 6 but that depends entirely on you and your response. The course of therapy entitles you to up to 10 sessions* terms and conditions apply.
Remember this therapy is aimed at eradicating the condition and not plastering over it or giving you coping mechanisms.
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