Whats On

Waltz of the Heart

waltz of the heart

If you asked any number of people what love meant to them or how they would define love you would get as many different answers. This variety can often keep the spark of love burning but also can mean that a rift begins to form as couples are looking for different signs to show love and romance. There are many ways in which we can show and receive love. Using colour this workshop will identify the way that you view love and romance. Discovering this will help you to understand love a little more.
I will be a fund session and will also touch on some of thie things associated with love such as 'love at first sight' v friendship blossoming into love. jealousy, attraction and magnetism, learning to love yourself. and more.
It will mainly be about expanding your views with discussion and interaction.

Followed by a healthy and lovingly prepared veggie buffet lunch.£5